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产品介绍Product Introduction
JP-CN1 using the best Keyence vision sensors, combined with the detection system design concept of JOIN POINT TECH Co., Ltd. accumulation of years, for a variety of text, image, barcode code quality testing, singled out the defects, repeat, illegal tag. And may support than the 10 million the amount of data text data lookup.
● 质量:100%检出不合格标签;
● 产量:稳定生产速度达到80米/分钟;
● 高回报:一次投入,就可以应付所有条码、文字
● 高速度:可对千万级的数量进行快速定位查找比较,查找速度可达200pcs/s
● 易操作:自动显示工作状态信息方便,软件界面简单易懂。
Commitment to product quality
● Quality: 100% failure detection label;
● Yield: Stable production speed of 30 m / min;
Product advantages
● high returns: one input, and can cope with all bar codes, text, image defect detection
● high speed: the number of ten million the rapid positioning Find comparison, the lookup speed up 200pcs / s
● Easy operation: automatically display the working status information and convenient software interface is simple and easy to understand.
文章来源地址: http://yinshua.chanpin818.com/yssbia/smysj/deta_566250.html
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